* 12/24/24 Our mommas are taking a much needed break! stay tuned for up and coming pregnancies in 2025!!!
* 8/25/24 Our beautiful queens Mia & Yesenia just gave birth to their little babies!! Pictures to be posted in 12 weeks. We have just confirmed our queens Cleo and Ariel and Diana are Pregnant!! so excited to see what beautiful babies they will have!
* 12/9/23 Our beautiful mommas have decided to take a holiday vacation!! No babies Until feb 2024
* 12/1/23 posting babies from Cleo soon!!!
* 9/5/23 Expecting is Beautiful girls Stella and new mommy Ariel!! Pictures to be posted soon!!
* 5/8/23 Expecting is Beautiful girls Stella and Yesenia!! Pictures to be posted soon!!
* 12/9/22 Our beautiful girl Yesenia Had a gorgeous litter of four healthy babies. Expecting is Cleopatra & Alexandria!! Pictures to be posted soon!!
*5/23/22 Our beautiful girls Miska and 2face are expecting !! Yesenia had 5 babies and D'sassy is a proud mother of three. Kittens posted on our available kittens page
*9/19/21Our girls 2face and Cynthia just had two beautiful litter expecting!!
* 5/23/21 Our girls Estrella, Yesenia and are expecting!! Beautiful babies in Late July ^..^
* 2/7/21 We are excited to announce that we are expecting 2 new litters within the next two month!!! Lots of beautiful babies to come. Bambino’s, dwelf , elf and Sphynx!
* Our girl Cynthia is expecting a litter of babies due in mid December!
* 10/30/20 Celest had a beautiful litter of 7!!!!
*9/17/20 Miska's Babies have arrived!!!
*9/10/20 2Face babies have arrived!!!
*8/25/20 We have confirmed the pregnancy of our girl Valentina *8/22/20 We have confirmed the pregnancy of our girl Isabel *8/20/20 we have confirmed the pregnancy of our girl Miska * 7/24/20 We have confirmed the pregnancy of our girl 2Face.
*7/24/20 Our Girl Tigresa gave birth to a beautiful litter of 4!
* 7/6/20 Azul Celeste Gave birth to a beautiful litter of 8! Pictures of kittens to be posted and selection to begin on August 3rd 2020